Wednesday, April 06, 2005

Carol Cornwell in The Oregonian

Hey, Carol Cornwell is quoted today in The Oregonian's special section PS! In PS Personal Space is an article by Nanine Alexander Beads, embroidery add romance to decor
Fashion design this season is all about detail. Embellished sweaters and accessories run the gamut from sweet to eccentric to upscale hippie.

The beaded and embroidered look isn't content to sit in your closet. Home accessories are creating the look of globe-trotting romantic nomads.

"I always see a strong correlation between home design and the fashion world," says Carol Cornwell, an interior designer at Landfair Furniture and Design Gallery.

"There's a big bohemian play that's going on in fashion, and it's showing itself in beaded accessories and embellishments for the home."

A little goes a long way. You can give your space an update with a few small touches.
Speaking of Ms Cornwell, this week we will have the first of our interviews with Top Designers for 2004 and Carol will lead it off. Don't miss who it was that influenced Carol the most.

Bev & Mike

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